Free Double C

Take the course. If you play a Double C in the first 30 days, then you get your money back.

Free Double C Power Player Trumpet Course Holiday Promotion Instructions:

The 100% Off Holiday Promotion Coupon for the Power Player Trumpet Course is: FREEDOUBLEC

#1 Click this button to open the Store Page-

#2 Click “The Power Player Trumpet Course” Purchase Page.

#3 Paste the coupon- FREEDOUBLEC into the “Coupon code” box while checking out to reserve your full course refund. *This coupon will not render an immediate discount, but will mark your order as eligible for this Holiday Promotion* This coupon marks your order as one of those orders made under the Free Double C Power Player Trumpet Course Holiday Promotion.

Lastly, in order to receive your full course refund during or after taking the course, you’ll need to-

#4 Record a short video of yourself playing a Double C. Send your video to Jordan through Facebook Messenger or email it to him- within the first 30 days of purchasing the course and you will receive your full course refund of the purchase price via the Holiday Course Promotion.
Frequently asked questions about this promotion:
Does the recorded Double C have to be loud? No. The point is to get you started playing these notes in the upper register even if they are not very loud (or controlled) at first. Volume will come for most players only after learning the “feel” of playing high. The course will show you everything but it takes time, practice, and dedication to really start sounding good after the Double C is achieved.
Why are you doing this promotion? It’s kind of weird… I’m doing this promotion because this way of doing things has you the player putting more “skin in the game.” It greatly increases your chances for success because who doesn’t want to get their money back? I’m hoping to help a lot more trumpet players get their Double C over the Holidays. You can do this! Sometimes a player just needs a little more incentive to get it done.
I have a different question. How can I get a hold of Jordan? You can email your questions to Jordan-